1. tomatoes
Question: allowed businesses to
1……… information regularly
Key words: businesses,
information, regularly
Based on the question and
particularly the key words, we need to find the information about an
activity that businesses usually conduct in the database section
of the website. In paragraph 2,
when referring to the database of tourism services, the author
mentions: “because participating businesses were able to
update the details they gave on a regular basis, the information provided
remained accurate.” From this, it can be safely concluded that the activity we
are looking for is updating information.
– information = details
– regularly = on a
regular basis
2. urban
Question: Vertical
farms would be located in……………, meaning that there would be less need to take
them long distances to customers
Key words: vertical farm,
located, distances
Based on the question and
particularly the key words, we know that we need to find the information about
vertical farms in terms of location and transportation in the passage.
Paragraph 2 says “Situated in the heart of urban centres, they
(vertical farms) would drastically reduce the amount of transportation required
to bring food to customers”.
– located=situated
– distance=transportation
3. energy
Question: Vertical
farms could use methane from plants and animals to produce……………..
Key words: methane, produce
Based on the question and
particularly the key words, we need to find the information about how methane
is used. “Methane” is mentioned in paragraph 4. So we focus on this paragraph.
The paragraph says “Although the system would consume energy, it would return
energy to the grid via methane generation from
composting non-edible parts of plants”
– produce=return
4. fossil fuels
Question: The consumption
of…………….. would be cut because agricultural vehicles would be unnecessary.
Key words: consumption, cut,
Based on the question and
particularly the key words, we need to find the information about the reduced
consumption of something. At the end of paragraph 4, the author indicates “It
would also dramatically reduce fossil fuel use, by cutting out the
need for tractors, ploughs and shipping”
– consumption=use
– Cut=reduce
– Vehicles=tractors
5. artificial
Question: The fact that
vertical farms would need………….. light is a disadvantage
Key words: need, light,
Based on the question and
particularly the key words, we need to find the information about a type of
light that vertical farms need. At the beginning of paragraph 5, the author
says “A major drawback of vertical farming, however, is that
the plants would require artificial light”
– need=require
– Disadvantage=drawback
6. (stacked) trays
Question: One form of
vertical farming involves planting in……………. which are not fixed.
Key words: One form, planting,
not fixed.
Based on the question and
particularly the key words, we need to find the information about a type of
vertical farming and where it is planted. At the beginning of paragraph 6, the
author says “One variation on vertical farming that has been
developed is to grow plants in stacked trays that move
on rails”
– One form = One
– Plant= grow
– not fixed= move on
7. (urban) rooftops
Question: The most
probable development is that food will be grown on……………. in towns and cities
Key words: most probable, grown
on, towns and cities
Based on the question and
particularly the key words, we need to find the information about place(s)
where food can be best grown on. At the end of the passage, the author mentions
“Most experts currently believe it is far more likely that we
will simply use the space available on urban rooftops”
– most probable = far
more likely
– towns and cities=urban
Question: Methods for
predicting the Earth’s population have recently changed
Key words: have recently
In the first paragraph, the
author just mentions that “applying the most conservative estimates to current
demographic trends” to predict the future population. No
information about recent changes in population predicting methods is given. So
the answer is NOT GIVEN.
– estimate = predict
– population change =
demographic trends
Question: Human beings
are responsible for some of the destruction to food-producing land.
Key words: responsible, destruction.
In paragraph 3, “We despoiled
most of the land we work, often turning verdant, natural ecozones into
semi-arid deserts”. It means that human action is the cause of the damage to
agricultural land. We destroyed most of the land we work, causing natural
ecozones to be turned into semi-arid deserts. So the statement given is TRUE.
– ecozones = areas where
there is a natural community of plants and animals
– semi-arid = with little
Question: According to
research, 26% of visitor satisfaction is related to their accommodation
Key words: research, 26%,
satisfaction, accommodation
Percentages are only given in
paragraphs 5 and 6, so it is not difficult to find the information
in paragraph 6: “…research shows that activities are the key driver of
visitor satisfaction, contributing 74% to visitor satisfaction, while transport
and accommodation account for the
remaining 26%”.
The figure of 26% refers to
those visitors who say they are satisfied with the transport or with
their accommodation. This percentage does NOT refer to
accommodation alone, so we cannot
say that 26% of visitor satisfaction is related only to their
accommodation – some of this
proportion will relate to transport.
For this reason, the statement
11. TRUE
Question: Some damage
to food crops is caused by climate change.
Key words: climate change
Paragraph 3 says “However, more
often than not now, due to a rapidly changing climate, this is
not what happens. Massive floods, long droughts, hurricanes and severe monsoons
take their toll each year, destroying millions of tons of
valuable crops”. So, due to climate change, adverse natural disasters result in
destruction to numerous valuable crops. The statement is TRUE.
– crops = plants which
are grown for food
Question: Fertilisers
will be needed for certain crops in vertical farms.
Key words: fertilisers needed
In the middle of paragraph 4, “All the
food could be grown organically, eliminating the need for
herbicides, pesticides and fertilisers”. So, there is no need for
fertilisers to grow crops in vertical farms. The statement contradicts the
information in the passage, so the statement is FALSE.
– fertilisers =
artificial chemicals added to the land to make crops grow bigger or more
13. TRUE
Question: Vertical
farming will make plants less likely to be affected by infectious diseases.
Key words: less, infectious
In paragraph 4, “The system
would greatly reduce the incidence of many infectious diseases that are
acquired at the agricultural interface”. The system (vertical farming) would
reduce infectious diseases, which makes plants less likely to be affected. So,
the statement is TRUE.
– infectious diseases =
diseases that can pass from one plant to another by the wind or by insects
Question: The Falkirk
wheel has linked the Forth and Clyde Canal with the Union Canal for the first
time in history.
Key words: has linked, first
Based on the question and
particularly the key words, we need to find the information about whether the
wheel has linked two canals for the first time. According to paragraph 1,
“Opened in 2002, it (The Falkirk Wheel) is central to the ambitious £84.5
Millennium Link Project to restore the navigability across
Scotland by reconnecting the historic waterways of the Forth
and Clyde and the Union Canals”. This means that the connection between the two
canals does not exist at the moment and the Falkirk wheel is expected to (“is
central to”) reconnect them. In paragraph 2, it is confirmed that “Historically,
the two canals had been joined near the town of Falkirk….”,
but this connection “…had been dismantled in 1933, thereby breaking
the link”. So, that “the F wheel has linked the Forth and
Clyde Canal with the Union Canal for the first time” is FALSE.
Question: There was
some opposition to the design of the Falkirk Wheel at first.
Keywords: opposition, design
Based on the question and
particularly the key words, we need to find the information about the
opposition to the design. Obviously, this information is not mentioned in the
text. According to paragraph 3, numerous ideas were submitted for the project
but the author does not point out whether anyone opposed the plan that was
adopted. So, this statement is NOT GIVEN.
16. TRUE
Question: The
Falkirk Wheel was initially put together at the location where its components
were manufactured.
Key words: put together,
location, components, manufactured
Based on the question and
particularly the key words, we need to find the information about the Wheel’s
location. According to paragraph 5, “The various parts of the
Falkirk Wheel were all constructed and assembled at
Butterley Engineering’s Steelworks in Derbyshire…”. So the statement and the
information in the text have the same meaning.
– put together =
– components = parts
– manufactured =
So, the statement is TRUE.
Question: The Falkirk
Wheel is the only boat lift in the world which has steel sections bolted
together by hand.
Key words: only, by hand
Actually, the author did
mention how steel sections of the Falkirk Wheel were bolted (at the end of
paragraph 4: “…to make the structure more robust, the steel
sections were bolted rather than welded together. Over 45,000 bolt
holes were matched with their bolts and each bolt was hand-tightened”).
However, he did not indicate whether this is unique or not. So, the statement
Question: The weight of
the gondolas varies according to the size of boat being carried
Key words: weight, varies.
Based on the question and
particularly the key words, we need to identify whether the gondolas’ weight is
influenced by the size of boat being carried. According to paragraph 5, “These
gondolas always weigh the same, whether or not
they are carrying boats”. So the statement is FALSE.
19. TRUE
Question: The
construction of the Falkirk Wheel site took into account the presence of a
nearby ancient monument
Key words: construction,
According to the last
paragraph, “the Wheel could not be constructed to elevate boats over the full
35-metre difference between the two canals, owing to the presence of
historically important Antonine Wall” So the construction of the Wheel is
influenced by the presence of an ancient monument. So the statement is TRUE.
– ancient= historically
20. gates
Question: A pair
of…………….. are lifted in order to shut out water from canal basin.
Key words: a pair, lifted, shut
out water
According to the second
sentence of paragraph 6, “Two hydraulic steel gates are raised,
so as to seal the gondola off from the water in
the canal basin”
– a pair of=two
– lifted=raised
– shut out water=seal off
from water
21. clamp
Question: A……………. is
taken out, enabling Wheel to rotate
Key words: taken out, rotate
According to the fourth sentence
of paragraph 6 , “A hydraulic clamp…, is removed, allowing the
Wheel to turn”
– taken out = removed
– rotate = turn
22. axle
Question: Hydraulic
motors drive……………..
Key words: drive
According to paragraph 6, “In
the central machine room an array of ten hydraulic motors then begins to rotate the
central axle”. So, the hydraulic motors drive, or control the axle by
rotating it.
23. cogs
Question: A range of
different-sized…………….. ensures boat keeps upright.
Key words: different-sized,
According to paragraph 6, “As
the wheel rotates, the gondolas are kept in the upright position by
a simple gearing system.” Then, the author describes the gearing system which
includes many cogs of different sizes. So, the word in the blank is cogs.
24. aqueduct
Question: Boat reaches
top Wheel, then moves directly onto………………
Key words: moves directly onto
At the end of paragraph 6, the
author indicates “when the gondola reaches the top, the boat passes
straight onto the aqueduct situated 24 metres above the canal basin”.
So “aqueduct” is the answer (“the aqueduct” is WRONG because only ONE
word is needed)
– move onto=pass onto
– directly=straight
25. wall
Question: Boat travels
through tunnel beneath Roman……………..
Key words: beneath, Roman
At the end of the text, “Boats
travel under this wall via a tunnel…”. “This wall” means the
wall built by the Romans in the second century AD. So, the word needed is “wall”
– beneath=under
26. curiosity
Question: …………….. raise
boat 11m to level of Union Canal
Key words: raise, reach
The final paragraph begins:
“The remaining 11 metres of lift needed to reach the
Union Canal is achieved by a pair of locks”. So, the answer is “locks”.
27. B
Question: mention of a geo-engineering
project based on an earlier natural phenomenon.
We have to find out the
information about a nature-based project. Obviously, at the beginning of
paragraph D, the author describes a project which results in global dimming.
Then, he explains “The idea is modelled on historic volcanic
explosions, such as that of Mount Pinatubo in the Philippines in 1992, which
led to a short-term cooling of global temperatures by 0.5°C. So, the “earlier
natural phenomenon” is “historic volcanic explosions”.
– based on=modelled on
– earlier=historic
28. B
Question: an example of
a successful use of geo-engineering.
At the beginning of paragraph
B, the author emphasizes that “Geo-engineering has been shown to work,
at least on a small localised scale”. This means geo-engineering has been
somewhat effective so far. Then, he provides a successful project as an
example. It is “For Decades, May Day parades in Moscow have taken place under
clear blue skies, aircraft having deposited dry ice, silver iodide and cement
powder to disperse clouds”
– be successful = work
29. A
Question: a common definition
of geo-engineering
In paragraph A, “Consequently,
an increasing number of scientists are beginning to explore the alternative of
geo-engineering – a term which generally refers to the
international large-scale manipulation of the environment. “Refer to” is
usually used to define a term, so we need to pay attention to the passage
containing it.
– common=generally
– refer to (v)=define
30. sunshade
Question: to create a
……… that would reduce the amount of light reaching Earth.
At the end of paragraph B, “His
scheme would employ up to 16 trillion minute spacecraft, each
weighing about one gram, to form a transparent,
sunlight-refracting sunshade in an orbit 1.5 million km above the Earth. This
could, argues Angel, reduce the amount of light reaching the
Earth by two per cent.
– tiny=minute
– create=form
– far above Earth=1.5
million km above the Earth
31. iron
Question: place………in the sea
We need to find out a project
which relates to “the sea”. In paragraph C, the author says “The majority of
geo-engineering project so far carried out-which include planting forests in
deserts and depositing iron in the ocean to stimulate the
growth of algae – have focused on achieving a general cooling of the Earth.”
– place=deposit
– sea=ocean
– encourage=stimulate
32. algae
Question: to encourage ……
We need to find out a project
which relates to “the sea”. In paragraph C, the author says “The majority of
geo-engineering project so far carried out-which include planting forests in
deserts and depositing iron in the ocean to stimulate the
growth of algae – have focused on achieving a general cooling of the Earth.”
– place=deposit
– sea=ocean
– encourage=stimulate
33. clouds
Question: to create ……….that
would reduce the amount of light reaching Earth.
First, we need to find out the
paragraph which contains the information about aerosol sprays (paragraph D). In
this paragraph, the author indicates that “The concept of releasing aerosol
sprays into the stratosphere above the Arctic has been proposed by
several scientists. This would involve using sulphur or hydrogen sulphide
aerosols so that sulphur dioxide would form clouds, which would, in
turn, lead to a global dimming.”
– create=form
– reduce the amount of light
reaching Earth= a global dimming
34. cables
Question: fix strong……to Greenland ice sheets
The key word in this sentence
is “Greenland”, so we should focus on paragraph D. In this paragraph, the
author argues “Scientists have also scrutinised whether it’s possible to
preserve the ice sheets of Greenland with reinforced high-tension cables, preventing
icebergs from moving into the sea”.
– strong= reinforced
35. snow
Question: to allow the…… reflect radiation
According to the table, we need
to find out the information about planting trees in Russian Arctic. At the end
of paragraph D, the author argues “Meanwhile in the Russian Arctic,
geo-engineering plans include the planting of millions of birch trees. Whereas
the region’s native evergreen pines shade the snow and absorb radiation,
birches would shed their leaves in winter, thus enabling radiation
to be reflected by the snow.”
– lose=shed
– allow=enable
36. rivers
Question: change the
direction of ……….. to bring more cold water into ice-forming
The key word is ice-forming
areas, so we need to find out the information about ice-forming areas. At the
end of paragraph D, the author indicates that “Re-routing Russian rivers to increase cold
water flow to ice-forming areas could also be used to slow down warming, say
some climate scientists.”
– change the direction of
– bring more=increase
37. B
Question: The effects of geo-engineering
may not be long-lasting.
Key words: effects, not
In the paragraph E, “I think
all of us agree that if we were to end geo-engineering on a given day, then the
planet would return to its pre-engineered condition very rapidly…” This means
that once we end geo-engineering, the effects of it on the planet may end, too.
In other words, “the effects of geo-engineering may not be long-lasting”
38. D
Question: Geo-engineering is a
topic worth exploring
Key words: worth exploring
In the last paragraph, Dr
Martin Sommerkorn emphasizes that “Human-induced climate change has brought
humanity to a position where we shouldn’t exclude thinking
thoroughly about this topic and its possibilities.”
– worth
exploring=shouldn’t exclude thinking thoroughly
39. C
Question: It may be necessary to limit
the effectiveness of geo-engineering projects.
Key words: limit
In the paragraph G, “To avoid
such a scenario, Lunt says Angel’s project would have to operate at
half strength; all of which reinforces his view that the best option is to
avoid the need for geo-engineering altogether.”
– limit the effectiveness=operate
at half strength
40. A
Question: Research into non-fossil-based
fuels cannot be replaced by geo-engineering.
In the paragraph E, Angel says
that his plan is “no substitute for developing renewable
energy”, renewable energy is the only “permanent solution”.
– non-fossil-based
fuels=renewable energy
– cannot be replaced=no
substitute for
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