1 1 12/twelve (years
(old)) 2 Hill 3 Monday 4 7/seven 5 horses 1 MAN:
Now, how old are you, Sue? GIRL:
I’m twelve. MAN:
Sorry? How old? GIRL:
Twelve. MAN:
OK. Fine. 2 MAN:
And where do you live? GIRL:
I live opposite the park. MAN:
What’s the name of the street? GIRL:
Hill Street. MAN:
Is that H-I- double L? GIRL:
Yes, that’s right. 3 MAN:
Now, which day do you come to the library? GIRL:
Mmm. I can only come once a week, on Monday. MAN:
Not at the weekend? GIRL:
No, I come on Monday, after school. 4 MAN:
And how many library books do you read every week, Sue? GIRL:
I read seven books a week. MAN:
Seven! That’s a lot. GIRL:
Well, I love reading! 5 MAN:
And last. What kind of books do you like best? GIRL:
Oh, I don’t know. That’s difficult, because I like a lot of different kinds
of books. MAN:
Well, do you like books about animals, or people …? GIRL:
Mmm, the books I like best are about horses. MAN:
Oh, we’ve got a lot of books about horses here. Thank you, Sue. |
2 1 11/eleven 2 blond/blonde 3 jeans 4 sailing 5 (a) parrot 1 MAN: And how old is your friend? GIRL: She’s eleven. MAN: Pardon? Did you say eleven? GIRL: Yes. 2 MAN: And what colour is her
hair? GIRL: It’s blonde. MAN: Blonde? GIRL: Yes. Like mine. 3 MAN: Now, which clothes does she
like wearing? GIRL: That’s easy. She loves
wearing jeans. MAN: Jeans? Does she wear them
every day? GIRL: No, only at weekends. At
school, we have to wear a dress. 4 MAN: OK. Can you tell me this?
What does Jane like doing? GIRL: She likes doing a lot of
things. MAN: Well, has she got a
favourite hobby? GIRL: Yes, she loves sailing. MAN: Does she? Do you go sailing
with her? GIRL: No. I don’t like it
because I can’t swim. 5 MAN: Has she only any pets? GIRL: Oh, yes! It was her
birthday yesterday and she got a parrot. MAN: A parrot?!! GIRL: Yes. It’s beautiful, and
it can talk! MAN: Great! |
1 17/seventeen 2 afternoon(s) 3 bats 4 Marsh 5 753694 1 MAN: OK then, Ann. Where do you
live? GIRL: I live in Field Road. MAN: Right – what number? GIRL: Number seventeen. MAN: Seventeen. Right. 2 MAN: Which days can you help
here at the zoo? GIRL: Well, I can come on Wednesdays
after school or on Sundays. MAN: OK. What about Sunday
afternoon, then? GIRL: All right. Sunday
afternoon is fine for me. |
3 MAN: Which animals would you
most like to work with? GIRL: Mmm … that’s difficult. I
like all kinds of animals. MAN: Well, we need help with the
bats and the rabbits. GIRL: So, can I help with the
bats? MAN: Yes. Fine. 4 MAN: OK, now you can work with
Mr. Marsh. He can show you what to do. GIRL: OK. I must write his name
in my book. How do you spell it? MAN: M-A-R-S-H. GIRL: Thank you. 5 MAN: Last question now, Ann. GIRL: OK. MAN: What’s your phone number? GIRL: It’s 753694. MAN: 7-5-3-6-9-4. Well, thank
you, Ann. |
1 1 Friday 2 (a)
story 3 (about)
2/two 4 (the)
jungles/jungles 5 Lost 1 MAN: Now. You must do the
homework this week. GIRL: Which day shall we give it
to you, Mr Brown? MAN: On Friday, please. GIRL: OK then. Friday. 2 BOY: So, what do we have to do? MAN: Well, I want you all to do
some writing. BOY: What kind of writing? MAN: A story, please. BOY: Oh good. I like writing
stories. 3 GIRL: How long does it have to
be? MAN: Ah, that’s a good question.
Um, about two pages, please. GIRL: But I can only write
slowly! Can I do one page, please? MAN: No! I want you all to write
two pages. 4 BOY: What have we got to write
about? Can we choose? MAN: No. I want you to write
about the jungle. BOY: That’s difficult. I can’t
do that. MAN: You must try, Nick. We saw
a film about jungles yesterday. BOY: Well … I can try. 5 MAN: Now, here’s the name of a
book. Write it in your books, please. GIRL: Is this for homework? MAN: Yes. I want you all to try
and read it. GIRL: What’s the name of the
book? MAN: ‘The Lost World’. GIRL: ‘The Last World’? MAN: No. L-O-S-T. GIRL: OK, Mr Brown. |
2 1 11/eleven 2 Lowe 3 Dolphins 4 Cane 5 (a)
sandwich 1 MAN: Now, how old are you, Emma? GIRL: I’m eleven. MAN: Sorry? How old? GIRL: Eleven. 2 MAN: And where do you live? GIRL: Lowe Street. MAN: How do you spell that? GIRL: L-O-W-E. MAN: Is that next to the
library? GIRL: Yes. 3 MAN: My next question is, do you
go to any of our swimming classes? GIRL: Yes, on Thursday. MAN: Which one, Emma? What’s the
name of the class? GIRL: Last year, I went to
‘Ducks’, but now I go to ‘Dolphins’, because I can swim better. MAN: Great! ‘Dolphins’ is a good
class. 4 MAN: Who’s your swimming
teacher? GIRL: His name’s Paul Carne. MAN: Oh. You mean Paul Cane. C-A-N-E. GIRL: Oh, yes. That’s right. 5 MAN: Last question. After your
class, do you buy any food at the café here? GIRL: Yes, I buy a sandwich. MAN: Do you always buy a
sandwich? GIRL: Yes, because after
swimming, I’m always very hungry. |
1 Spear 2 Plants 3 Tennis 4 Film 5 week 1 MAN: Now, what’s your name? GIRL: Daisy Spear. MAN: How do you spell that? GIRL: It’s S-P-E-A-R. MAN: Right. 2 MAN: Now, which book have you
got? GIRL: This one. It’s name is ‘My
Plants’. MAN: OK. Then we write ‘My
Aunts’ here. GIRL: Um, not ‘Aunts’ –
‘Plants’! MAN: Oh, yes, sorry. 3 MAN: Have you got a video there? GIRL: Yes. MAN: Is there a name on the box? GIRL: It’s a sports video. It
says ‘Tennis’ on the box. MAN: OK. Put ‘Tennis’ here. Can
you play well? GIRL: No, not very well. I want
to play better. |
4 MAN: Have you got a CD player at
home? You can take a CD. GIRL: I’d like to take this one.
Is that OK? MAN: Yes. GIRL: It says ‘Music’ on the
outside. Shall I write that? MAN: What kind of music is it? GIRL: Film music. I see, I write
film music here. 5 MAN: How many days do you need
them all for? GIRL: Can I have them for one
week? MAN: Yes. That’s fine. So, can
you write ‘one week’ at the bottom, there, please? GIRL: Oh, yes, I see. MAN: Good. Now you can take all
your things. Enjoy them! |
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