Part 1
Hello, Tourist Information Centre, Mike speaking, how can I help you?
Oh, hi. I wanted to find out about cookery classes. I believe there are some
one-day classes for tourists?
Well, they’re open to everyone, but tourists are always welcome. OK, let me
give you some details of what’s available. There are several classes. One very
popular one is at the Food
They focus on seasonal products, and as well as teaching you how to cook them,
they also show you how to choose (Q1) them.
Right, that sounds good. How big are the classes?
I’m not sure exactly, but they’ll be quite small.
And could I get a private (Q2) lesson
I think so … let me check, yes, they do offer those. Though in fact most of the
people who attend the classes find it’s a nice way of getting to know one
I suppose it must be, yes.
And this company has a special deal for clients where they offer a discount of 20 percent (Q3) if
you return for a further class.
OK. But you said there were several classes?
That’s right. Another one you might be interested in is Bond’s Cookery School.
They’re quite new, they just opened six months ago, but I’ve heard good things
about them. They concentrate on teaching you to prepare healthy (Q4) food,
and they have quite a lot of specialist staff.
So is that food for people on a diet and things like that? I don’t know if I’d
be interested in that.
Well, I don’t think they particularly focus on low calorie diets or weight
loss. It’s more to do with recipes that look at specific needs, like including
ingredients that will help build up your bones (Q5) and
make them stronger, that sort of thing.
I see. Well, I might be interested, I’m not sure. Do they have a website I
could check?
Yes, just key in the name of the school – it’ll come up. And if you want to
know more about them, every Thursday evening they have a lecture (Q6) at
the school. It’s free and you don’t need to book or anything, just turn up at
7.30. And that might give you an idea of whether you want to go to an actual
OK, there’s one more place you might be interested in. That’s got a rather
strange name, it’s called The Arretsa (Q7) Centre
– that’s spelled A-R-R-E-T-S-A.
They’ve got a very good reputation. They do a bit of meat and fish cookery but
they mostly specialise in vegetarian (Q8) dishes.
Right. That’s certainly an area I’d like to learn more about. I’ve got lots of
friends who don’t eat meat. In fact, I think I might have seen that school
today. Is it just by the market? (Q9)
That’s right. So they don’t have any problem getting their ingredients. They’re
right next door. And they also offer a special two-hour course in how to use a knife (Q10). They
cover all the different skills – buying them, sharpening, chopping techniques.
It gets booked up quickly though so you’d need to check it was available.
Right, well thank you very much. I’ll go and …
Part 2
Good evening everyone. My
name’s Phil Sutton, and I’m chairman of the Highways Committee. We’ve called
this meeting to inform members of the public about the new regulations for traffic
and parking we’re proposing for Granford. I’ll start by summarising these
changes before we open the meeting to questions.
why do we need to make these changes to traffic systems in Granford? Well,
we’re very aware that traffic is becoming an increasing problem. It’s been
especially noticeable with the increase in heavy traffic while they’ve been
building the new hospital. But
it’s the overall rise in the volume of traffic of all kinds that’s concerning
us (Q11).
To date there’s not been any increase in traffic accidents, but that’s not
something we want to see happen, obviously.
recently carried out a survey of local residents, and their responses were
interesting. People
were very concerned about the lack of visibility on some roads due to cars parked
along the sides of the roads (Q12).
We’d expected complaints about the congestion near the school when parents are
dropping off their children or picking them up, but this wasn’t top of the
list, and nor were noise and fumes from trucks and lorries, though they were
mentioned by some people.
think these new traffic regulations would make a lot of difference. But we
still have a long way to go. We’ve managed to keep our proposals within budget,
just, so they can be covered by the Council. But,
of course, it’s no good introducing new regulations if we don’t have a way of
making sure that everyone obeys them (Q13), and
that’s an area we’re still working on with the help of representatives from the
police force.
so this slide shows a map of the central area of Granford, with the High Street
in the middle and School Road on the right. Now, we
already have a set of traffic lights in the High Street at the junction with
Station Road, but we’re planning to have another set at the other end, at the
School Road junction (Q14),
to regulate the flow or traffic along the High Street.
decided we definitely need a pedestrian crossing. We considered putting this on
School Road, just outside the school, but in the end we decided that could lead
to a lot of traffic congestion so we
decided to locate it on the High Street, crossing the road in front of the
supermarket (Q15).
That’s a very busy area, so it should help things there.
proposing some changes to parking. At
present, parking isn’t allowed on the High Street outside the library, but
we’re going to change that, and allow parking there (Q16), but not at
the other end of the High Street near School Road.
be a new ‘No Parking’ sign on School Road, just by the entrance to the school (Q17),
forbidding parking for 25 metres. This should improve visibility for drivers
and pedestrians, especially on the bend just to the north of the school.
far as disabled drivers are concerned, at present they have parking outside the
supermarket, but lorries also use those spaces, so we’ve got two new disabled parking
spaces on the side road up towards the bank (Q18). It’s not
ideal, but probably better than the present arrangement.
also plan to widen the pavement on School Road. We think we can manage to get
an extra half-metre on the bend just before you get to the school, on the same
side of the road (Q19).
Finally, we’ve introduced new restrictions
on loading and unloading for the supermarket, so lorries will only be allowed
to stop there before 8 am. That’s the supermarket on School Road (Q20) –
we kept to the existing arrangements with the High Street supermarket.
So that’s about it. Now, would anyone …
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