food chain is the order in which animals and plants eat each other in order
to survive.
Every living creature needs
to eat other creatures below it. Every ecosystem has a different food
chain, depending
on which animals and plants live there.
lowest part of the food chain are the plants. They are called producers because
they produce their own food using the sunlight's energy. This process is called photosynthesis.
Animals are the consumers of
the food chain. They eat other plants and animals.
animals only eat plants. Among this group of herbivores are
rabbits, mice and cows. Carnivores are
animals that eat other animals, like wolves, foxes or lions.
food chain has a predator,
the strongest animal that is not eaten by others. Hawks or polar
bears are such predators that dominate their habitats.
creatures belong to more than one food chain. Grass, for example, is eaten by
many other animals as well as insects. Food chains that are connected to
each other are called food webs.
an animal dies it is eaten up by worms, bacteria and other organisms. These
so-called decomposers break
down animals and plants into small parts and enrich soil so that
other plants can grow better. The nutrients of
dead animals and plants are converted back
to the soil so that plants can use them again.
The balance of
plants and animals within a food chain is determined by nature. For
example, if there are too many zebras in a tropical habitat many of them will
die because they cannot get enough food to feed on. This also means that there
is less food for predators, like lions, to eat. And when there are fewer lions
the zebra population will grow again.
belong to the most popular and
most eaten fruits in the world. They were first grown in tropical India and Southeast Asia over 4000
years ago. Arab merchants brought
them to northern Africa and the Middle East.
Portuguese navigators discovered bananas
when they sailed down the Atlantic coast of Africa. From
there they were brought to the Canary Islands, from where Spaniards took them
to the New World.
Features of a Banana Plant
Although bananas
grow like trees they are actually plants.
They are made up of stalks that
are covered with overlapping leaves.
A stalk or stem can
be about 30 cm thick. A banana plant can grow up to 6 meters in height. It has up
to 20 long and wide leaves.
hang in clusters,
also called hands, from the plant. Each cluster can carry about 10 to 20
need good, well-drained soils, as well as a
warm tropical climate with enough rainfall to grow.
They are often cultivated on plantations, often
with hundreds of workers who cultivate and harvest bananas
for the world market. These large farms sell their products to large companies
like, Chiquita and Dole.
first banana fruits can grow about a year after planting. Bananas are endangered by
temperatures below zero and strong winds. Diseases, like the Panama disease,
an infection of
the soil, can completely destroy banana crops.
are harvested while they are still green. In this state the
banana's flesh is
white and cannot be eaten. The green fruits are taken to the nearest port,
where they are put on container ships with cooling containers on board.
the bananas arrive at their destination they
are loaded onto
trucks or railway cars and brought to sellers who store them in
special ripening rooms.
From this time on it takes bananas about five days to ripen and get
the yellow colour and taste we all know. As the fruit ripens the flesh also
becomes sweet.
as a staple diet
many tropical regions of Africa, South America and Asia, bananas are a
main food for the population. They have
many nutrients that people
need. In
addition to 75 % water, a banana contains sugar, proteins and vitamins. It gives you quick energy and can
be digested fairly
belong to the healthiest foods in the world. They contain potassium, which
can lower your blood pressure, prevent heart diseases and reduce the
risk of a stroke.
the western world bananas are eaten as snacks in-between meals
or together with cereals.
In other countries they are used to make wine or beer.
of bananas
are up to a thousand different kinds of bananas. The Cavendish banana is the
most widely produced and eaten fruit in the world. Bananas that are used for
cooking are called plantains.
are the fourth most valuable food
crop in the world, after wheat, rice and corn.
are important for the economy of
tropical countries. About 140 million tons are harvested annually, however
only a small percentage of the actual production
is exported. The biggest banana-producing countries in the world actually need
most of the fruit themselves.
is the world’s largest banana producer, followed by Uganda, China, the
Philippines, Ecuador and Brazil.
the banana trade is
a 5 billion dollar
industry. Large companies like Chiquita and Dole control most of the banana
exporting industry. Especially in
Central America and the Caribbean workers
suffer from poor working conditions and get low wages.
For decades EU countries preferred bananas
from their former colonies
in Africa and the Caribbean and placed taxes on imported South American
bananas. In 2009 this long trade war came to an end.
75% of the world’s animals are insects. They have been living on earth for over
400 million years, long before humans appeared. Insects
have changed a lot and adapted to
new climates in order to survive. Today,
there are about one million different species of insects and scientists are discovering new
groups daily. Insects have different sizes and body forms. Most of them are
very small but they can grow as large as 30 cm. Among the most common insects
are flies, beetles,
bees, butterflies, moths and wasps.
insects live
live in every region of the world. They can survive in any type of climate,
from tropical rainforests to icy polar
regions, as long as they can find food. The oceans are the only places where
few insects live. Because they are so small, they can live in places where
other animals cannot survive, some even live in underground caves.
belong to a group of animals called arthropods. They do not have a skeleton but a
kind of shell that protects them.
This exoskeleton is very tight and
does not grow with the insect. When an insect becomes too large for the shell
it breaks open and a new shell develops.
have three major body parts: head, thorax and abdomen. They have
six legs and at least one pair of feelers.
insect’s antennae,
mouth and eyes are located in the head. The compound eyes consist of up
to 4,000 separate lenses that
combine images inside an insect’s brain. Such a complex eye
gives it extremely good eyesight.
Insects use antennae to smell and feel. If their feelers are damaged they
become helpless.
thorax has three pairs of legs and two pairs of wings, however, some
insects have no wings at all.
abdomen is the largest part of an insect.
It contains organs that digest food, release waste and let
insects reproduce.
insects behave
protect themselves from enemies in
many ways. Some can blend into
their surroundings by
changing their colours. Others, like beetles, have a hard shell that protects them.
Some insects produce poison and
inject it into enemies by biting or stinging them.
insects live alone but there are some social insects that live in colonies. Termites, ants and
bees are examples of insects that live in groups of thousands or even millions,
in which everything is organized and each insect has a certain task. Such a
society is headed by
a leader, a queen or a king, whom others follow.
eat plants, animals and other organisms.
They also live on other animals and get food from their body. Such insects are
called parasites.
Certain insects migrate during the
wintertime. The monarch butterfly, for example, flies south to tropical and
subtropical areas. In spring they come back to their original habitat.
cycle of insects
insects are born from eggs. Their covering or
shell cannot grow and they break out of it after a certain time. After that an
insect grows a new shell. This process is called moulting. An insect can moult many times
until it becomes a fully grown adult.
This process,
from hatching out
of an egg to becoming an adult, can take between a few days and many years. As
an adult, most insects live only for a short time. But there are a few, like
the queen of a termite colony, which can live for many years.
insects change completely during
the different stages of
their life. This is called metamorphosis. After hatching from an egg they
become a larva, which takes on a wormlike shape. A larva eats a lot and moults several
times during its development process. After
growth an insect becomes a pupa. It spins a
protective covering around itself. During this resting stage an
insect develops wings
and legs and other body features.
In the final stage an
adult emerges from
the pupa. Bees and butterflies grow in this way.
and humans
can be helpful to humans in many ways. They eat other insects and dangerous
animals that may endanger fields
and crops.
They keep our environment clean
by eating animal waste and other unwanted substances. Some produce valuable products
like honey and silk.
Flowers, fruits and other plants depend
on insects to help spread pollen. On
the other side, insects are an important source of food for birds, frogs and other animals.
are very few harmful types
of insects, but they can do a lot of damage. Some of them spread diseases
by stinging and
biting people. In tropical regions insects are the main carriers of
malaria or the plague. They injure pets
and animals, and do damage to trees and crops.
is used as a sweetener all
over the world. People sugar all sorts of food and drinks to make them taste
better. Sugar is often added to
tea or coffee and to certain types
of pastries.
The food industry adds sugar to soft
drinks and ice cream.
is a simple carbohydrate,
a substance that
gives us energy. However,
too much sugar can be harmful.
It can cause obesity and tooth decay.
People who consume too
much sugar can be hyperactive.
That is why some people use artificial sweeteners instead of sugar.
of sugar
sugar is also referred
to as sucrose. It is made up of two basic components.
Glucose comes from the carbohydrates that we eat. Our body changes them to
energy and transports them into the bloodstream. Fructose occurs naturally, especially in
fruits, vegetables and honey. When we eat an apple or orange fructose is
changed into glucose and goes into our blood.
or milk sugar, is found in dairy
products. Some adults are not able to digest milk
sugar and should not consume dairy
sugar is produced
can be manufactured from
two natural products: sugar cane and sugar beets. About 70% of the world’s 200
million tons of sugar comes from sugar cane.
beets grow in temperate climates of the world. Sugar
is contained the
white roots of the beet. These beets are dug out of the ground and brought
to a factory,
where they are washed and cut. Afterwards they
are heated to a juicy mixture.
As the juice evaporates sugar
crystals start to form. They are separated from the juice and processed further. Raw sugar is
brown or yellow. It is chemically bleached to
make it white. Then sugar is packaged and
sold. The syrup that is eventually left
over is called molasses.
cane is in the stalks of
a tall plant that grows in the tropical regions. Brazil, India and China are the world’s
largest producers of sugar cane. When the stalks are ripe they
are harvested and crushed in a
special machine that squeezes out
the sugar liquid.
The process after that is similar to
the way sugar beets are processed.
of sugar
has been known for a long time. Early inhabitants of Pacific Island
used sugar thousands of years ago. Sugar cane was also grown in ancient India
and in other cultures. Sugar reached Europe at the beginning of the Middle Ages. During the Age of Exploration navigators brought
sugar to Africa and America, where it was
planted in the southern colonies of the United States.
is one of the most popular hot
drinks in the world. Almost a third of the world’s population drinks
coffee. People often meet at cafes or coffee shops for a coffee break during
the middle of the morning or stop work in the afternoon to drink coffee.
7 million tons of coffee are produced every year. Brazil is, by far, the world’s
largest coffee producer. About a third of the world’s production comes from
this South American country. Other coffee producing countries include Vietnam,
Indonesia and Columbia.
United States is the biggest coffee consumer in
the world. About 1.2 billion kilograms
of coffee are consumed there every year. Drinking coffee is extremely popular
in European countries, like Italy, France and Germany, as well as in Brazil.
coffee plant
grows as a green-leaved tree or bush with blossoming white flowers. The
coffee shrub originally comes
from Ethiopia but, in the course
of time spread to
Southeast Asia and South America.
are two basic types
of coffee. Arabica accounts
for about 70% of the world’s coffee production. It is
grown in the higher regions of central and South America and is popular for
its flavor and fragrance. Robusta
has spread throughout
central and eastern Africa. Although it
makes up only thirty per cent of the total coffee production it has become more
important because it can resist diseases
better. It also has smaller beans and can grow at lower altitudes than
plants grow in the warm and moist climate of the tropics and subtropics.
Most coffee trees grow best between 1000 and 2500 meters above sea level.
trees produce fruits called berries.
At first they are yellow, and then become red as they mature. An average coffee
tree can produce enough berries to make about a pound (half a kilo) of roasted coffee.
Coffee seeds are grown
in nursery beds.
After a year they are planted in specially prepared fields. It takes a coffee
tree about six years to produce a full
harvest of coffee berries. The largest ones can get
up to six meters tall, but they are normally trimmed to
a height of
1.5 to 4 meters.
and processing coffee
coffee berries are picked by
hand, which makes sure that only the good berries are used. After separating berries
from leaves and other waste materials,
the beans are then taken out, cleaned and dried. Only the best beans make it to
the market.
Then they are put into bags and shipped to countries where they are roasted.
their destination the
beans are combined to
make different blends of
coffee. Roasting for about 15 minutes brings out the true flavor of the
coffee. The roasted coffee beans are packaged; some of them are crushed to ground coffee.
of coffee
Coffee contains caffeine, a substance that stimulates parts
of the body, especially heart and muscles. People often drink
coffee to help them stay awake or keep them alert. Although coffee
has some negative effects it is not thought to be a harmful drink.
Children and people who have heart problems should not drink coffee it in
great quantities.
In decaffeinated coffee
the caffeine is extracted in
a chemical process.
coffee is brewed.
must be ground before
it is brewed.
Grounding usually takes
place inside a coffee machine, but you can also buy ground
coffee in shops. The simplest brewing process
is pouring boiling water over a filter of
ground coffee and letting it flow into
a pot.
Coffee is often made by using simple machines that force hot
water through a pad of
pressed coffee. Espresso machines press hot water through ground coffee.
coffee is made by pouring hot water
over powdery coffee.
It dissolves at
once and you do not need a special machine.
of coffee
Coffee originated in
the east African highlands in
the 6th century.
It was then brought to Arabia where people used it as food and medicine. During
the 11th century the first coffee drinks came up. In the 16th and 17th centuries coffee
became widely
popular in Europe when the Turks brought it to Central
Europe. In the 17th and 18th century coffee conquered North
and South Amercia
houses soon became popular all
over the world. In the 1900s chains of
coffee shops developed in
Europe and America. Today, Starbucks is the largest coffeehouse chain in the
world, with over 20,000 stores in 60 countries.
of Coffee drinks
is probably the most popular coffee drink in the world. It is made by forcing hot
water through a pad filled
with dark ground coffee. Although there
is not much coffee in the cup an espresso is very strong. It is usually drunk
black, with no milk added.
is an espresso with hot water added to make it weaker.
Latte is an espresso with a lot of hot milk and foam added on
the top
is a cup of espresso, together with warm milk and a lot of milk foam at the
top. In some coffee shops it is decorated with flaked chocolate
or cocoa.
Mocha is a cappuccino with chocolate or cocoa added
is a cold espresso that you can get at some coffee shops during the hot
summer months
coffee is usually thicker than normal coffee. It is made by combining ground
coffee and water to a muddy mixture
are animals that live in water. They are vertebrates,
animals with backbones,
and come in all kinds of shapes,
sizes and colors. Fish first appeared in
the oceans of the Earth about 500 million years ago, long before dinosaurs roamed our planet. Today there
are tens of thousands of different kinds of fish and new species are discovered every
year. Over millions of years fish have changed their features and adapted to
their surroundings in
order to survive.
whale shark is the largest fish on Earth.
It can grow up to 12 meters in length and
can weigh up
to 15 tons. In
contrast tiny gobies are often only a few mm long.
are important to people. They were among the first animals hunted by
primitive human
beings. Millions of people all over the world depend on fish
as a main form of nutrition. In many coastal countries,
for example Japan or Norway, people depend on fishing to make a living.
are a part of the food chain. They eat animals and
are eaten by other sea creatures, thus keeping
up the balance of nature.
fish live
live all over the world, in the cold water of the Arctic as well as in warm
tropical water around the equator. Areas rich
in fish are especially around
the coastal
shelves of the Northern Atlantic, the Caribbean Sea and the western
Pacific Ocean.
of the world’s fish live in salt water. They preferably live
in areas where warm and cold currents meet.
Some types live in the warm tropical waters around coral reefs.
40% of all fish species are
in fresh water. They include carp, catfish, trout or bass.
Some of them live in the clear water of rivers while others prefer muddy pond
water. A few types of fish can swim in both salt and fresh water. Salmon, for
example, are born in fresh water , migrate to
the ocean and then return to fresh water to reproduce.
of fish
have no neck. The head and body are combined to
one. Most species have a skeleton made
of bone, only a few species have
backbones made of cartilage.
fish are shaped like cigars or torpedoes, so that they can travel very quickly.
Fish that swim near the ocean floor are flat-shaped. Eels look like
long snakes under water.
are cold-blooded. Their body temperature changes with their surroundings.
Almost all fish have fins,
instead of arms and legs, which they use for swimming.
skin of most fish is made out of a special slippery substance. It is
covered by small plates called scales. Some scales
have special cells that give fish a certain color.
breathe oxygen from
the water they live in. Gills on
the side of a fish’s head absorb oxygen
from the water and release carbon dioxide into it.
animals in the oceans of the world look like fish but are actually mammals. Dolphins and whales
have lungs and must come up to the surface for
have organs that tell them what is happening in the water around them.
They can see left and right at the same time. Although they
have no physical ears
they have hearing organs on the side of their head. They not only can
hear sounds in the water but can also sense sounds that happen on the
fish have a sense of smell. In some species, for example sharks and salmon, it
is highly
developed. Fish can also feel pressure of
water movements,
thus feeling dangers that approach them.
have a special sense called the lateral line. It is a row of cells
that works like radar and
help them navigate through
fish live
fish eat meat, preferably other fish. They also eat plants, worms
and algae.
The largest fish in the world consume huge
masses of plankton.
have to protect themselves
from being eaten by other fish. They blend into their surroundings by
changing their color or their shape. Some fish are very fast swimmers and get
away from their enemies very quickly. Others release poisonous substances from
their spines.
most fish are harmless to
humans some will attack if provoked.
Sharks attack humans if they smell blood or if people make uncontrolled
movements. Piranhas live in the waters of the tropical rainforest. They attack their
victims with their sharp teeth and tear their flesh apart.
fish reproduce
Fish reproduce by releasing male
sperm and female eggs into the water at the same time. The process of joining
together is called spawning. Eggs are food for other fish. Many females release
hundreds of thousands of eggs to make sure that at least some of the young ones
can survive.
fish leave their eggs after spawning. Some of them stay and protect their eggs
until they hatch.
Salmon cover their eggs with sand and gravel.
to fish
are caught for a number of reasons. Apart
from providing food
for millions of people they are used for animal feed and to produce oil.
in the world’s oceans poses a threat to
many species. Some are in danger of dying out. Catch quotas have
been introduced to save some of the most important species. Fish are also endangered by pollution of
the world’s oceans.
Cloning occurs when
you copy a living creature.
Two clones have the same genes, small structures with information in
them that tells them what the body of a living thing should look like and how
it should behave.
You get the genes from your parents.
people think that cloning is only done by scientists in laboratories, but,
in fact, cloning also occurs in nature.
have billions of
cells. The nucleus of
such a cell has genetic information
called DNA. All the nuclei of an animal have the same information. But each
cell only uses a part of this information in order to work properly. The other
part of the DNA is not active. But because a single cell holds all the DNA of
an animal, scientists can make physical copies
of an animal from only one cell.
They transfer the
nucleus of an animal’s cell into an egg cell of another animal. This egg cell
has the same genetic information as that of the donor animal.
The cell then grows into an embryo.
Scientists must then activate the
DNA that was not active in the parent cell. Otherwise a
full organism would not develop.
do not behave in an identical way
– this is because they live in different environments. Researchers have
found out that identical twins that
carry the same DNA are different because they grow up differently.
of cloning
animals started way back in the 1950s when the first frogs were reproduced. In 1996
British scientists cloned the first mammal, a sheep called Dolly.
Since then the cloning of mice, cattle,
cats and other mammals has been successful.
and cons of cloning
cloning of certain animals
may bring advantages to
humans. The cloning of cattle or sheep can produce animals whose meat quality
is better or which are more resistant towards illnesses.
however, cannot yet create
perfect clones. Many of them do not survive the
cloning process and die before they are born.
the past human embryos have been cloned in order to get stem cells. These are cells that
can develop into
many different kinds of other cells. Doctors are able to use stem cells
to replace parts
of the body that are ill, like skin or other organs. Although this
could be a major breakthrough in
medicine many people fear that cloning embryos is murder and must therefore
be forbidden.
Many countries have put bans on
cloning or other experiments that produce cloned human embryos.
scientists still believe that it may be possible to clone a human being from
the cells of one adult. For a long time this has been thought of as science fiction.
problems arise when
it comes to cloning human beings. What should be the ideal characteristics of reproduced humans:
should they be highly intelligent,
strong or creative. Who are the people to decide these questions? Critics of
cloning say that creatures should be born in a natural way. Nobody has the
right to play God.
occur naturally in many cases, for example, when a mother gives birth to two
identical twins. They come from the same fertilized eggs and are therefore
have identical genes. Bacteria and animals with
only one cell can also reproduce themselves
in a natural way. Plants can also produce clones. Farmers use breeding techniques to
produce certain types of plants.
for cloning
is often performed for
medical reasons. Experiments are carried out on animals that carry a disease which
causes mutations in
their genes. Farm animals are cloned to produce drugs and
other substances that
are useful in
medicine. Cloning is a way to produce large numbers of genetically engineered animals.
therapeutic cloning stem cells are reproduced in order to create new organs
and tissue.
New, healthy tissue can help a person get a new heart or a new liver to replace his
ill one. Such a method could also create stem cells that you could use
for patients who suffer Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s disease.
Marine biology
is the study of the ocean’s plant and animal life. Marine life gives us food,
medicine and other raw
materials we need. It also maintains tourism and provides us
with an area of recreation.
Organisms in the ocean produce oxygen and
help regulate the
earth’s climate. Coasts are partly created
by marine life; some marine organisms even help to create new land.
biology ranges from
very small organisms, like plankton, to
huge 30 meter long whales. Habitats stretch from
the ocean’s surface to the ocean trenches which
are over 10,000 meters deep.
71% of the Earth’s surface consists
of oceans. They are, on
average, about 4,000 meters deep. A large part of the Earth’s
life lives in them, even though not all forms of marine life have yet
been discovered.
marine life is a large field of science.
The oceans are home to many different species, including fish, birds, reptiles and other
organisms. Scientists also research out
how organisms live in salt water.
animals and plants
birds have adapted to
life in ocean regions. Seabirds usually live longer and have fewer young ones
than other birds do. Most of them travel thousands of miles a year and
cross the equator from
the northern to the southern hemisphere.
Humans have depended on
seabirds throughout history.
They have shown seafarers the
way and guided sailors
to land. Among the best-known are albatrosses and Arctic terns.
belong to the main species that
live in the oceans. They range from
tiny sardines to
dangerous sharks. Fish serve as one of
the main sources of
food for humans.
are animals that do not have backbones. Many of them live in the sea and
around coastal regions,
like jellyfish,
sea worms, shellfish or octopuses.
largest mammals of the oceans are
whales. Dolphins and sea lions are among other mammals that live in the sea.
Sometimes the polar bear is referred to as
a sea animal because it depends on seafood.
marine reptiles live
in or near the coastal waters. They include sea turtles and saltwater crocodiles. Many
species need to come to land to lay their eggs.
is a very diverse plant
life in the world’s oceans. Algae and
sea grass are among the most common. Such plants have become used to a
salty environment.
Different types of plants also grow in areas where the water surface is affected by
the rise and fall of the tides.
forms of life live in various areas
of the ocean. Some are limited to
the coastal and shelf areas,
while others live in the open sea.
Coral reefs are found in the
tropical areas of the world, but they can also exist in
colder water. Reefs are
built by corals and other animals that deposit calcium on rocks. They are home to a vast variety of
different life forms. About half of the world’s coral reefs, however, are in
danger because of global warming and a rise in sea
Although we
do not know very much about what kind of life forms exist in deep water trenches,
marine scientists have found out that a certain type of jellyfish and
a flatfish were
seen in the Mariana Trench, the world’s deepest ocean area. Generally these
parts of the ocean have little or no sunlight and many organisms that live here
have to produce their own light.
biologists also study how waves, currents and
the tides affect organisms
living in the world’s oceans. Little is known about where certain species travel to breed.
farming is a method of
mass food production in which animals are kept in very confined areas
in order to get the best possible profit.
Factory farming wants to keep production
costs low and sell cheaper food to consumers.
Factory farming is a much
discussed issue. Animal rights activists and environmentalists claim
that this type of food production is dangerous to our environment and forces animals
to live in an unworthy way.
On the other side farmers and larger food corporations claim that
they cannot produce enough food at reasonable prices
without factory farming.
the past decades farms
have grown in size and intensity.
Farming has become an industry, using modern technology. Today
farmers use pesticides, antibiotics and vitamins to produce as much as they can
and to control diseases. Fertilizers make
it possible to grow more crops than
nature would allow. These factors lead
to lower food prices on supermarket shelves.
who are in favor of factory farming say that it creates jobs
and lets consumers buy
cheaper food. They also state that
it is friendly to our nature because it uses less land to produce the
same amount of
against factory farming say that it is brutal and cruel to
animals. They live in overcrowded cages or
boxes without enough space to
move around. Chicken, sheep, cattle and
pigs are often kept in such a way. They are given special feed so that
they can grow quicker. Crops that are sprayed with pesticides are
a health risk to humans and have a number of chemicals in them. They also argue that
such large farms ruin smaller
ones because they can produce at more competitive prices.
Although products
from factory farms are not labeled consumers can
buy food from organic production. Some products, like
eggs, have labels on
the boxes that say they are laid by hens that can move around and are not kept
in cages.
mammal is an animal that feeds its
babies with milk when it is young. There are over 4,500 types of mammals. Many
of the most popular animals
we know are mammals, for example, dogs, cats, horses, cows, but exotic animals
like kangaroos, giraffes, elephants and anteaters belong to this group,
too. Humans are
also mammals.
live in all regions and climates. They live on the ground, in trees or
underground. Polar bears, reindeer and seals are
mammals that live in the Arctic regions. Others, like camels or kangaroos prefer the
world’s dry areas. Seals and whales are
mammals that swim in the oceans; bats are the only mammals that can
have five features that
make them different from other animals:
mammals produce milk and feed their babies with it.
mammals have hair or hair-like skin. All mammals have hair at least some time
in their lives.
are warm-blooded.
Their body temperature always stays the same and does not change with the
outside temperature.
mammals have a larger and well-developed
brain. They are more intelligent than other animals.
protect their babies more than other animals. They prepare them
for future life.
have hunted mammals for ages.
They ate their food and made clothes out of their skins. Thousands of years ago
wild mammals were domesticated and
gave human beings milk, wool and other products. Some mammals, like elephants
and camels are still used to transport goods. In poorer countries farmers use
cows or oxen, to plough fields.
some mammals are hunted illegally.
Whales are killed because people want their meat and oil, elephants are killed
for the ivory of
their tusks.
are often kept as pets. Among them are cats, dogs, rabbits or guinea pigs.
are useful to people in many other ways. Some help plants grow and eat harmful insects. Others eat weeds and
prevent them from spreading too
far. The waste of
mammals is used as fertilizers that
improve the quality of soil.
of mammals
are divided into three groups:
are mammals that lay eggs, like a bird. They live in Australia and New Zealand.
The platypus belongs
to this group
are mammals that raise their
young ones in a pouch in
their bodies.
are the largest group of mammals. The babies grow inside their mothers until
they are ready to be born. Humans are placentals.
and their bodies
and hair cover a mammal’s body. Some mammals have horns, claws and hoofs. The hair or
fur of a mammal has many functions. The colour often blends in with
the world around them and allows them to hide from their enemies. Some
mammals produce needles or sharp hair that protects them from attack. But the
main function is to keep the body warm.
have glands that
produce substances that
the body needs like hormones, sweat and
mammal’s skeleton is made up of three parts:
The skull contains
the brain,
teeth and other organs.
The spine or
backbone enables mammals
to stand or walk.
are legs and arms of a mammal, often with strong bones.
have a four-chambered heart
system that pumps blood into all parts of their body.
The blood brings oxygen to
muscles and tissue.
The red blood cells of mammals can carry more oxygen than in many other
animals. Because mammals have a high body temperature they must burn a lot of
Mammals digest food
through their digestive
system. After food is eaten through the mouth it goes down
the throat into
the stomach and passes through the intestines.
Mammals that eat plants have a complicated system with long intestines that
help break down food. Flesh is
easier to digest so meat-eating mammals have a simpler stomach.
breathe air through their lungs. Most of them have noses or snouts with
which they take in air. Dolphins and whales breathe through a hole in the top
of their back.
and their senses
have five senses that
tell them what is happening in their surroundings. Not all senses are developed equally among
Mammals rely on smell
to find food and warn them of their enemies. Many species use
smell to communicate with
each other. Humans, apes and monkeys have a relatively bad sense of smell.
helps mammals identify the
food that they eat. Most mammals have a good sense of hearing.
Some mammals use their hearing to detect objects
in the dark. Bats, for example, use sounds to navigate and
detect tiny insects.
Dolphins also use such a system to find their way around.
higher primates,
like humans, apes and monkeys have a highly developed sense of sight other
mammals are nearly blind. Most of these mammals, like bats, are active at
have a good sense of touch. They have nerves on all parts of their body that
let them feel things. Cats and mice have whiskers with which that they can
feel themselves around in the dark.
mammals eat
are mammals that eat plants. They have special teeth that allow them to chew food
better. Examples of herbivores are deer,
cows and elephants. The giant panda is a plant eater
that only eats bamboo.
are mammals that eat other animals. Cats, dogs, tigers, lions, wolves belong to
this group. They are hunters that tear their prey apart
with sharp teeth. They do not chew their
food very much.
are mammals that eat plants and meat. Bears, , apes, pigs and humans are examples
of omnivores.
mammals move
mammals live and move on the ground. They have four legs and walk by lifting
one foot at a time or by trotting.
Kangaroos hop and
use their tail for balancing.
that live in forests spend a lot of their time in trees. Monkeys can grasp tree branches with claws and can
hang on to them with their curved tail.
Often mammals spend time hanging upside
down in trees.
and whales are mammals that live and move around in water. Instead of limbs they
have flippers which
they use to move forward. Other animals, like the hippopotamus, only
spend some time in the water.
are the only flying mammals. Their wings are made of skin stretched over
their bones. They can fly by beating their
wings up and down.
and moles are
mammals that spend most of their life underground.
mammals have babies
Mammals reproduce when
a male’s sperm gets
into contact with a female egg
and fertilizes it.
A young mammal grows inside the female’s body. Before this can happen mammals mate. Males and
females stay together for a certain time.
mammals live their mother’s body for different periods of time. While hamsters
are born after only 16 days, it takes elephants 650 days to give birth.
Human pregnancies last
about 9 months.
new-born mammals, like horses and camels, can walk and run shortly after they
are born.
give birth to babies that attach themselves
to their mothers. They stay in pouches because
they are too weak to
live alone. Almost all marsupials, including kangaroos,
koala bears or wombats live
in Australia .
birth the glands of
a female mammals
produce milk. Some mammals nurse their
babies for only a few weeks. Others, for example elephants, give milk to their
babies for a few years.
The duck-billed platypus and echidnas are
the only mammals that lay eggs. After the young hatch they
drink milk from their mother, just like other mammals do.
mammals live in families or groups. Wolves and lions help each other in
their search for
food and protect each
other from attackers.
cats, tigers and other mammals prefer living
alone . They do not share their
living space and food that they have, however males and females get
together to mate.
can mark the
areas that they live in. They defend these
areas by fighting off attackers. Some mammals claim territories only
during the breeding
Many mammals migrate during
special times of the year in order to get food and survive. North
American bats travel to the south because insects become scarce during
the cold winter months. Zebras and other wild animals follow the rainy seasons
in Africa to find green grass. Whales
migrate to warmer southern waters off the coast of Mexico to give birth to
babies because they could not survive in
the cold waters of the Arctic Ocean.
mammals hibernate because
they cannot find enough food to survive.
Their body temperature falls, heartbeat and breathing become
slower. During this period hibernating mammals do not eat. They live from the
fat of their bodies. Bats, squirrels and
other rodents hibernate.
Mammals defend themselves
from attackers in many ways. Hoofed
mammals can run quickly in order to get food or escape.
Squirrels rush into
trees to hide. Some animals have special features that protect them
from enemies. Skunks
spray a bad smelling liquid to keep off attackers.
The fur of
mammals sometimes changes with its surroundings. Arctic foxes, for
example, are brown in summer and in the winter their coats turn
of mammals
The first mammals probably evolved from reptiles about
200 million years ago during the Mesozoic period. They were rather small
in a time when dinosaurs ruled the
lands. When the dinosaurs died out about 65 million years ago mammals became
the dominant land
animals. Many mammals became extinct during
the Ice
Age , which ended thousands of years ago.
some species are
in constant danger
of becoming extinct because they are hunted by humans. Hunters and poachers earn
money by selling fur, tusks and
other parts of mammals. Larger wild animals are often brought to zoos where
they are protected.
is a plant that produces fibers ,
which are used to make clothes and other products, like towels , carpets or sheets .
Clothes made out of cotton are especially light
and comfortable .
Cotton is Used For
part of the cotton plant can be used. The long cotton fibers are
used to make cloth ,
the short fibers can be used in the paper industry. You can make oil or
margarine out of the seeds of
the cotton plant. The leaves and stalks of
the cotton plant are plowed into
the ground to make the soil better.
Other parts of the plant are fed to animals.
cotton is grown
is a subtropical plant that grows in many warm areas of the world. It started out as
a plant of the tropics but today it is grown in other warm areas that have at
least 200 frost-free days.
The most important cotton-growing countries are the USA, China, India, Pakistan
and Australia.
produces about 30% of the world’s cotton fibre, mostly in the eastern part of
the country. In the United States cotton is grown in the southern states, the
biggest cotton producer is Texas.
needs a hot, sunny climate to grow. The plant needs soil that
is well - drained and
a lot of rainfall during the growing season. During the harvest season
it should be sunny and dry. Some areas grow cotton on irrigated land.
needs soil that
has a lot of nitrogen in
it. Farmers use chemical fertilizers to improve the soil.
and processing cotton
plants can reach a height of
up to 2 meters.
After plowing the soil in spring
cotton seeds are
planted in rows by
hand or machine. Three weeks after the plants come out flower buds begin to
form. They produce white
flowers that turn red and fall
off . The flowers have a green fruit, called boll, which
has seeds in
it. White fiber of
different lengths grows
around the seeds .
Cotton can be harvested when
the boll bursts open
and shows the fibers inside. The longest fibers are up to 6 cm long and are
used for the best cloth .
Most fibers, however ,are
much smaller.
the growth period
cotton farmers must be careful that their crop does not get any diseases .
They spray
insecticides to keep insects away from the plant. Such
insects destroy almost
15 % of the world’s cotton every year. Weeds also do damage to the
cotton plants. They take away moisture that
plants need so much.
is harvested about
150 to 200 days after farmers plant it. In industrial countries picking machines drive
through the fields, harvest the
cotton and transport it onto a trailer .
In the Third World cotton harvesting is often done by hand.
Gins separate the
cotton fiber from the seeds .
Cotton is then combed ,
dried, cleaned and pressed into bales.
Cotton buyers or brokers buy
the raw cotton
and then sell it to textile
mills . There, spinning machines spin cotton
into yarn .
The yarn is woven into
cloth, which is bleached and
sometimes dyed .
of cotton
Humans realized very
early that the soft, fluffy cotton fibers can be
used to make comfortable clothes.
was first grown in Pakistan and the Nile valley about
3,000 years ago. Native Americans started
growing cotton at the same time in North America. Europe was introduced to
cotton through Arab merchants at
about 800 A.D .
By 1500 cotton was known all over the world.
Europeans founded colonies in America they relied on
cotton to make a
living . In the early days, growing and harvesting cotton
was a hard job that was done manually by slaves .
1793 an American, Eli Whitney, invented the cotton gin , a
machine that separated
seeds from fiber. This new invention allowed
farms to produce even more cotton.
the second part of the 20th century people
started to produce synthetic
fibers , like nylon and acrylic. The importance of
cotton fiber began to drop .
By the middle of the 1970s cotton made up only one third of all fibers worldwide .
Many cotton farmers had to close their farms. Governments , especially in
America, had to help cotton farmers during this economically difficult period .
1990 the demand for
cotton clothes became bigger, simply because people saw that cotton was a natural fiber and
very comfortable to
wear. By the turn
of the millennium cotton regained its importance .
Towards the
end of the 20th century farmers started experimenting with organic cotton ,
grown without chemicals or pesticides .
Such cotton, however ,
has turned out to be more expensive than normal cotton.
shark is a meat-eating fish and one of the most feared animals
in the sea. There are over 300 types of sharks that live in oceans all over the
world. Most of them live in warm seas but some sharks prefer colder
regions like the seas around Antarctica.
first sharks lived in our oceans about 300 million years ago. They belong to
the earth’s oldest animals.
and habitat
have different sizes and habits.
The largest is the whale shark, which can grow up to 15 metres long and weigh twice as
much as an elephant. The smallest sharks are only about 16 cm long and weigh about 28
grams. One of the strangest looking sharks is the hammerhead, with a flat head that
looks like a hammer.
kinds of sharks live in the deepest parts of the ocean, others are found near
the surface.
Some stay close to the coast,
while others swim far out at sea. A few types of sharks even live in rivers and
sharks are meat eaters. Most of them eat other fish, either as
a whole or
by tearing off chunks of a
bigger fish. They also eat dead animals, plankton, crabs, sea turtles, seals, sometimes
even whales.
shark’s body
sharks have a body that is shaped like
a torpedo. The two side fins are stiff; the tail is
often curved and it helps the shark swim. Small scales cover a
shark’s body and make its skin very rough.
The mouth of most sharks is at the bottom of the head. They have many rows of
teeth, which are sharp and pointed.
New teeth grow and replace the
older ones, sometimes as often as every week. Behind the eyes, sharks have five
to seven gills on
each side of the head. They use them to breathe underwater.
have sharp senses.
They can find a fish to eat by the sound that it makes. They also have good
eyes and can see almost everything in dark areas. Sharks must swim fast and
well, otherwise they
will sink. Some types have been recorded to
swim at speeds of
up to 90 km an hour.
than half of the sharks in the world are not dangerous to people and seldom attack
them. Among the most dangerous is the white shark, a fish with sharp teeth that
can rip off
chunks of flesh from
animals. They hunt for large animals, such as sea lions, tuna and other
sharks. They have even attacked human
beings, especially when
they are hungry or worried. Movement, noises
or blood in the water can provoke sharks
and make them attack.
of sharks
catch sharks mostly for their skin and flesh. Shark skin is used to make
leather goods.
The Chinese use dry shark fins to
make popular and expensive soup. The liver oil of sharks has a lot
of vitamin A.
should always be careful in areas known to have sharks. Here are some rules to
swim or dive alone.
swim or dive if
you have an open
cut on your body.
the water immediately when
you see a shark. Swim as smoothly as
possible and avoid wild movements.
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