1. spread
At the end of paragraph 1, the
writer indicates that “The wildfires themselves, experts say, are generally
hotter, faster, and spread more erratically than in the past.”
2. 10 times
At the beginning of paragraph
2, the writer says that “Megafires, also called “siege fires” are the
increasingly frequent blazes that burn 50,000 acres or more – 10 times
the size of the average forest fire of 20 years ago.
– 20 years = 2 decades
3. below
In paragraph 3, the writer says
that “One explanation for the trend to more superhot fires is that the region,
which usually has dry summers, has had significantly below normal
precipitation in many recent years.”
– rainfall=precipitation
– average=normal
4. fuel
In paragraph 3, “The
unintentional consequence has been to halt the natural eradication of
underbrush, now the primary fuel for megafires.” In the past,
the US Forest Service had a policy of cutting this ‘brush’ – the plants that
grow beneath the trees. However, the Service did not realise then that if this
brush was eradicated naturally by fires, then this natural process would be
more effective. Without realising this, as a result of their policy, the brush
grew more quickly and strongly, providing more fuel to start
5. seasons
In paragraph 4, the writer
indicates that “Three other factors contribute to the trend, they add…Second
is fire seasons that on average are 78 days
longer than they were 20 years ago.” This means that fire seasons are
– extended=longer
6. homes
At the end of paragraph 4, the
writer says that “Third is increased construction of homes in
wooded areas.”
– more=increased
– building=construction
Question: The amount of open
space in California has diminished over the last ten years.
Keywords: space, California,
diminished, 10 years.
In paragraph 6, “In California,
where population growth has averaged more than 600,000 a year for at
least a decade, more residential housing is being built.
What once was open space is now residential
homes…” This means that the open space in California has diminished over
the last ten years because there have been more residential homes. So, the
statement is TRUE.
Question: Many experts believe
California has made little progress in readying itself to fight fires.
Keywords: experts, California,
little progress, fight fires.
In paragraph 7, the writer
argues that “That said, many experts give California high marks for
making progress on preparedness in recent years,
after some of the largest fires in state history scorched thousands of acres,
burned thousands of homes, and killed numerous people.” This means that many
experts appreciate California’s making progress on preparedness in recent
years. The people involved are now fighting fires “better than previously”. So,
the statement is FALSE.
– readying
Question: Personnel in the past have been
criticised for mishandling fire containment.
Keywords: personnel,
criticised, mishandling, containment
In paragraph 7, the writer
argues that “Stung in the past by criticism of bungling that allowed
fires to spread when they might have been contained, personnel are
meeting the peculiar challenges of neighborhood – and canyon – hoping fires
better than previously, observers say.” So, it is true that personnel in the
past have been criticised for mishandling fire containment.
– mishandling=bungling
10. TRUE
Question: California has replaced
a range of firefighting tools.
Keywords: replace, firefighting
tools, California
In paragraph 9, “Besides
providing money to upgrade the fire engines that must traverse
the mammoth state and wind along serpentine canyon roads, the state has invested
in better commandand-control facilities as well as in the strategies
to run them.” This means that California has replaced a range of firefighting
tools. So, the statement is TRUE.
– replaced=upgrade
– tools=facilities
Question: More firefighters have
been hired to improve fire-fighting capacity.
Keywords: more firefighters,
hired, improve
In this passage, the writer
mentions the improvement in firefighting tools, but does not mention whether
more firefighters have been hired to improve fire-fighting capacity. So, the
statement is NOT GIVEN.
Question: Citizens and
government groups disapprove of the efforts of different states and agencies
working together.
Keywords: government,
disapprove, working together.
At the end of paragraph 9, the
writer argues that “There is a sense among both government and
residents that the speed, dedication, and coordination of
firefighters from several states and jurisdictions are resulting
in greater efficiency than in past ‘siege fire’ situations.”
So, this means that both citizens and government groups appreciate the efforts
of different states and agencies working together. The statement is FALSE.
– agencies=jurisdictions
– citizens=residents
– working
Question: Randy Jacobs believes
that loss of life from fires will continue at the same levels, despite changes
Keywords: Randy Jacobs, loss of
life, same levels
At the end of the passage,
Randy Jacobs says that “Notwithstanding all the damage that will continue to be
caused by wildfires, we will no longer suffer the loss of life endured
in the past because of the fire prevention and firefighting measures that have
been put in place”. This means that, thanks to the fire prevention and
firefighting measures, we will no longer suffer the loss of life from fires
like we did in the past. So, the statement is FALSE.
14. transformation
Question: Psychologists have
traditionally believed that a personality 14…………….. was impossible
and that by a 15……………., a person’s character tends to be fixed.
Keywords: personality,
impossible, character, fixed
In the first paragraph, the
author says that “Psychologists have long held that a person’s
character cannot undergo a transformation in any
meaningful way and that the key traits of personality are determined
at a very young age.”
– personality=character
– be impossible=cannot
– fixed=determined
15. young age
Question: Psychologists have
traditionally believed that a personality 14…………….. was impossible
and that by a 15……………., a person’s character tends to be fixed.
Keywords: personality,
impossible, character, fixed
In the first paragraph, the
author says that “Psychologists have long held that a person’s
character cannot undergo a transformation in any
meaningful way and that the key traits of personality are determined
at a very young age.”
– personality=character
– be impossible=cannot
– fixed=determined
16. optimism
Question: One of the easiest
qualities to acquire is………….
Keywords: easiest quality,
In paragraph A, “Some qualities
are less challenging to develop than others, optimism being
one of them.”
– less challenging to
develop=easiest to acquire
17. skills
Question: However, regardless of
the quality, it is necessary to learn a wide variety of different 17…………….
in order for a new quality to develop; for example, a person must understand
and feel some 18……………. in order to increase their happiness.
Keywords: learn different, new
quality, understand and feel.
At the end of paragraph A,
“However, developing qualities requires mastering a range of
skills which are diverse and sometimes surprising. For example, to
bring more joy and passion into your life, you must be open
to experiencing negative emotions.”
– a (wide) variety of=a
range of
– feel=experience
– happiness=joy
18. negative emotions
Question: However, regardless of
the quality, it is necessary to learn a wide variety of different 17…………….
in order for a new quality to develop; for example, a person must understand
and feel some 18……………. in order to increase their happiness.
Keywords: learn different, new
quality, understand and feel.
At the end of paragraph A,
“However, developing qualities requires mastering a range of
skills which are diverse and sometimes surprising. For example, to
bring more joy and passion into your life, you must be open
to experiencing negative emotions.”
– a (wide) variety of=a
range of
– feel=experience
– happiness=joy
19. E
Question: People must accept that they do
not know much when first trying something new.
Keywords: not know much, new
At the end of paragraph F, Todd
Kashdan says “As a newcomer, you also have to tolerate and laugh
at your own ignorance. You must be willing to accept the
negative feelings that come your way.”
– When first trying
something new ~ As a newcomer
– accept=tolerate
– accept that they do not
know much ~ tolerate your own ignorance
20. C
Question: It is important for people to
actively notice when good things happen.
Keywords: important, notice,
good things.
In paragraph D, “She (Suzanne
Segerstrom) recommends you train yourself to pay
attention to good fortune by writing down three positive things that
come about each day.”
– actively notice=pay
attention to
– good things=positive
– happen=come about
21. G
Question: Courage can be learned once its
origins in a sense of responsibility are understood.
Keywords: courage, be learned,
origins, understood
In paragraph H, “According to
Cynthia Pury, a psychologist at Clemson University, Pedeleose’s story proves
the point that courage is not motivated by fearlessness, but by moral
obligation. Pury also believes that people can acquire courage.”
– learn=acquire
– responsibility=moral
22. A
Question: It is possible to overcome
shyness when faced with the need to speak in public.
Keywords: overcome shyness,
speak in public.
In paragraph B, “Inherently
introverted, he (Christopher Peterson) realised early on that as an
academic, his reticence would prove disastrous in the lecture hall. So he
learned to be more outgoing and entertain his classes. ‘Now my extroverted
behaviour is spontaneous,’ he says”
– reticence=shyness
– overcome shyness ~
learn to be more outgoing
– faced with the need to
speak in public ~ as an academic (he had to speak in lecture halls and
23. E
Question: a mention of how rational
thinking enabled someone to achieve physical goals.
Keywords: rational thinking,
achieve goals
In paragraph E, “The physical
stamina required for this sport is intense but the psychological
demands are even more overwhelming. Streeter learned to untangle her fears
from her judgment of what her body and mind could do.” By judging
what her body and mind could do, Streeter could achieve goals about freediving.
– rational
24. C
Question: an account of how someone
overcame a sad experience.
Keyword: overcame, sad.
In paragraph C, “He (David
Fajgenbaum) was preparing for university, when he had an accident that
put an end to his sports career…He launched a support group to help
others in similar situations. He took action despite his own
pain – a typical response of an optimist.”
25. G
Question: a description of how someone
decided to rethink their academic career path.
Keywords: rethink, academic
career path
In paragraph G, “He (Mauro Zappaterra)
was miserable as his research wasn’t compatible with his curiosity about
healing. He finally took a break and during eight months in
Santa Fe, Zappaterra learned about alternative healing techniques not
taught at Harvard. When he got back, he switched labs to
study how cerebrospinal fluid nourishes the developing nervous system.”
26. H
Question: an example of how someone
risked his career out of a sense of duty.
Keywords: risked his career,
In paragraph H, “The new
manager was intimidating staff so Pedeleose carefully recorded each instance of
bullying and eventually took the evidence to a senior director, knowing
his own job security would be threatened….Pedeleose’s story proves the
point that courage is not motivated by fearlessness, but by moral
– a sense of duty=moral
27. C
Question: When discussing the theory
developed by Louis Dollo, the writer says that
Keywords: theory; Louis Dollo
In paragraph 3, the writer says
that “a Belgian palaeontologist called Louis Dollo was
studying fossil records and coming to the opposite conclusion. In 1890, he
proposed that evolution was irreversible: that ‘an organism is unable to
return, even partially, to a previous stage already realised in the ranks of
its ancestors.’ Early 20th-century biologists came to a
similar conclusion, though they qualified it in terms of
probability, stating that there is no reason why evolution cannot
run backwards – it is just very unlikely. And so the idea of irreversibility in
evolution stuck and came to be known as Dollo’s law.”
– modified=qualified
28. D
Question: The humpback whale caught off
Vancouver Island is mentioned because of
Keywords: humpback whale;
Vancouver Island
In paragraph 4, “If Dollo’s law
is right, atavisms should occur only very rarely, if at all. Yet almost since
the idea took root, exceptions have been cropping up. In 1919, for example,
a humpback whale with a pair of leg-like appendages over a
metre long, complete with a set of limb bones, was caught off Vancouver
Island in Canada.” Its strange features made Roy Chapman Andrew argue
that it “must be a throwback to a land-living ancestor”, which is
opposite to Dollo’s law. So, the humpback whale is mentioned because of the
reason given for its unusual features.
29. C
Question: What is said about ‘silent
Keywords: silent genes
In paragraph 5, “while some
evolutionary changes involve the loss of genes and are therefore irreversible,
others may be the result of genes being switched off. If these silent
genes are somehow switched back on, they argued, long-lost
traits could reappear.” So, this means that ‘silent genes’ could lead to
the re-emergence of certain characteristics.
– characteristics= traits
– re-emerge=reappear
30. B
Question: The writer mentions the mole
salamander because
Keywords: mole salamander
In paragraph 6, Raff’s team
went on to calculate the likelihood of silent genes happening. The team
calculated that there is a good chance of silent genes surviving up to 6
million years, and that some might survive as long as 10 million years.
Then, in paragraph 7, the mole
salamander is mentioned. At the end of this paragraph, the writer
concludes that “The salamander example fits with Raff’s 10-million-year
time frame.”
So, this means that the mole
salamander is mentioned to suggest that Raff’s theory is correct.
– suggests that …
correct=fits with
31. A
Question: Which of the following does
Wagner claim?
Keywords: Wagner, claim
In paragraph 8, “According to
his (Wagner’s) analysis of the Bachia family tree, the toed species re-evolved
toes from toeless ancestors and, what is more, digit loss and gain has
occurred on more than one occasion over tens of millions of years” So, this
means Wagner claims that members of the Bachia lizard family have lost and
regained certain features several times.
– several times=on more
than one occasion
32. F
Question: For a long time biologists
Keywords: long time;
biologists, rejected
In the first paragraph, “For
the better part of a century, most biologists have
been reluctant to use those words (evolutionary throwback), mindful of
a principle of evolution that says ‘evolution cannot run backwards”. In
other words, for a long time, most biologists rejected the possibility of
evolution being reversible.
– reversible=run
33. G
Question: Opposing views on evolutionary
throwbacks are represented by
Keywords: opposing;
evolutionary throwbacks
In paragraph 3, the writer
argues that “while Lombroso was measuring criminals, a Belgian
palaeontologist called Louis Dollo was studying fossil records
and coming to the opposite conclusion.” This conclusion was that:
“there is no reason why evolution cannot run backwards”.
This means that opposing views on evolutionary throwbacks are represented by
Dollo’s findings and the convictions held by Lombroso.
– views=convictions
34. A
Question: Examples of evolutionary
throwbacks have led to
Keywords: examples,
In paragraph 5, “Since then, so
many other examples have been discovered that it no longer
makes sense to say that evolution is as good as irreversible.
And this poses a puzzle: how can characteristics that disappeared
millions of years ago suddenly reappear?” This means that examples of
evolutionary throwbacks have led to the question of how certain long-lost traits
could reappear.
– the question=the puzzle
35. B
Question: The shark and killer whale are
mentioned to exemplify
Keywords: shark, killer whale
In paragraph 9, “One
possibility is that these traits are lost and then simply reappear, in much the
same way that similar structures can independently arise
in unrelated species, such as the dorsal fins of sharks
and killer whales.” This means that the shark and killer whale are
mentioned to exemplify the occurrence of a particular feature in different
– different=unrelated
36. D
Question: One explanation for the
findings of Wagner’s research is
Keywords: Wagner, research
In paragraph 9, the writer
argues that “Another more intriguing possibility is that the genetic
information needed to make toes somehow survived for tens or perhaps
hundreds of millions of years in the lizards and was reactivated.”
This means that one explanation for the findings of Wagner’s research is the
continued existence of certain genetic information.
– one explanation=another
Question: Wagner was the first
person to do research on South American lizards.
Keywords: Wagner, first, South
American lizards
In this passage, the writer
just specifies Wagner’s research on the evolutionary history of a group of
South American lizards, but does not mention whether he was the first person to
do research on South American lizards or not. So, the statement is NOT GIVEN.
38. YES
Question: Wagner believes that
Bachia lizards with toes had toeless ancestors.
Keywords: Bachia lizards,
toeless ancestors.
In paragraph 8, “According to
his analysis of the Bachia family tree, the toed
speciesre-evolved toes from toeless ancestors…” So, the
statement is true.
39. NO
Question: The temporary occurrence of
long-lost traits in embryos is rare.
Keywords: long-lost traits,
embryos, rare
In the last paragraph, the
writer argues that “Early embryos of many species develop
ancestral features.” This means that the temporary occurrence of long-lost
traits in embryos is NOT rare. So, the statement is false.
– long-lost
traits=ancestral features
40. YES
Question: Evolutionary throwbacks might
be caused by developmental problems in the womb.
Keywords: evolutionary
throwbacks, developmental problems, womb
In the last paragraph, the
writer indicates that “But if silent genes degrade within 6 to 10 million
years, how can long-lost traits be reactivated over longer time scales?
The answer may lie in the womb.” So, the statement is true.
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